Accurate Prediction of COVID-19 using Chest X-Ray Images through Deep Feature Learning model with SMOTE and Machine Learning Classifiers
One of our members worked on COVID-19 predictions based on Chest XRays applying various Machine Learning algorithms. The research work received media recognition.
Understanding Graph Attention Networks (GAT)
GAT introduces a mechanism to attend over neighborhoods' features and weigh different nodes accordingly.
Kaggle Days
DSG in collaboration with E-Summit IIT R organizing Kaggle Days.
Interactive Visual Machine Learning Demos. Machine Learning in the browser powered by TF JS.
This project reproduces the book Dive Into Deep Learning (, adapting the code from MXNet into PyTorch.
Implementation and Explanation Graph Representation Learning papers involving DeepWalk, GCN, GraphSAGE, ChebNet and GAT.
This project builds on a demo for playing the game 2048 using Reinforcement Learning.
Implementation of BERT based Sarcasm Detection Classification model using Tensorflow.
This project builds on a demo for several Adversarial Attacks on ImageNet Classifier Models.
This is a step towards automating the vehicles entering IIT Roorkee campus using state of the art Deep learning & Computer Vision.
Winning Solution in the Inter IIT Tech Meet 2018 Machine Learning Challenge, "Eye In The Sky".
Visualising different loss and optimisation functions using Autoencoders.
Implementation of Neural Style Transfer described in the paper by Gatys
Using GTSRB dataset to build a CNN based Traffic Sign Classifier.